Fun and Games

"O.K., on the count of three, everyone shout out the number of New York improv shows you've been to. Good, O.K., now on the count of three, everyone shout out the number of improv shows you've been to that you actually enjoyed." If anyone in the audience has attended Gotham City's Off the Top of Our Heads, there could be a bigger response to that latter question than you might expect. Among the plethora of improv groups in New York City, Gotham's stands out above the rest for one reason: it doesn't try to reinvent the wheel.

Based not too loosely on Comedy Central's famed Whose Line Is it Anyway?," Off the Top of Our Heads uses traditional improv games and audience responses (as outlandish as they may be) to create an hour of comedy that hits the spot more often than it falls flat. On the minuscule stage that couldn't even pass for a Manhattan studio apartment, Clare, Michael, Angela, and Evie entertained with their quick wit and good attitude. They kept it all surprisingly clean: an audience suggestion of a situation

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