What would you do to be first?

Have you ever been waiting with a crowd of folks for something to open or begin? There is a desire even before the official start time to get as close as possible to the front of the line. It is often accompanied by said folks nudging one another and muttering off-color comments under their breath, but it is seldom that one must worry about being personally attacked while waiting. This is hardly the case in Line by Israel Horovitz, the longest running play in off-off Broadway history, playing at the Thirteenth Street Repertory Company (TSRC). Line is the story of five people that will do anything to be the first in line. What are these people waiting for? Well, this question does not seem as important as what these people will do to get to the front. The show opens with a man named Fleming, played by Rick Sherman, waking from a night of holding first place in line behind a string of tape. There is some good

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